- H3N2v influenza
- H5N1 [Avian Influenza]
- HAB (Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)-Associated Illness )
- Haemophilus influenzae Infection (including Hib Infection)
- Haemophilus influenzae Serotype b — see Hib Infection
- Hansen’s Disease
- Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)
- Head Lice [Pediculus humanus capitis]
- Heat Stress
- Hendra Virus Disease (HeV Infection)
- Hereditary Bleeding Disorders
- Herpes B virus
- High Blood Pressure
- Histoplasma capsulatum Infection [Histoplasmosis]
- Hot Tub Rash [Pseudomonas dermatitis Infection]
- HPIV (Human Parainfluenza Viruses)
- HPS (Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome)
- HPV Infection (Human Papillomavirus Infection)
- Hymenolepis Infection — see Dwarf Tapeworm
- Hypertension — see High Blood Pressure
- Hyperthermia — see Extreme Heat
- Hypothermia — see Extreme Cold
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