
Neurocognitive testing procedure is a non-invasive clinical procedure to efficiently and objectively assess a broad spectrum of brain function performance or domains under challenge (cognition stress test) and 50+ computerized clinical and quality rating instruments e.g., PQRS to enable the measuring of important clinical symptoms, behaviors, and comorbidities to

  1. Detect and track even slight (millisecond precision) cognitive impairments that can assist clinicians in the evaluation and management of neurodegenerative, neuropsychiatric, neurotraumatic and neurodevelopmental disorders providing immediate clinical insight into a patient’s current status and level of impairment
  2. Help evaluate the possibility of secondary gain e.g., academic accommodation, drug or disability seeking, malingering, symptom feigning etc. with embedded cognitive performance validity indicators
  3. Give patients, family members and caregivers knowledge of cognitive domains that underpin the ability to conduct activities of daily living
  4. Automate the collection of guideline recommended clinical and quality measures e.g., PQRS, recommended by professional societies and payers
  5. Establish a neurocognitive baseline in each patient to use in later treatment decisions
  6. Longitudinally track clinical endpoints to aid in the monitoring and management of many clinical conditions and treatments e.g., measure the response to treatment like AD/HD medication, rehabilitation efforts, cognitive behavioral therapy – CBT, etc. and used to measure clinical outcomes
  7. Help identify domains needing additional or full neuropsychological evaluations

Walk in Today or Call now to book an appointment

for Neuro-Cognitive Test only at your Alabama Clinics: 334-712-1170